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CompositionToday Interviews

Thanks to everyone who sent in scores for our call for clarinet solo pieces. The recording will take place in January and will be posted on the site soon after. Stay tuned...

C:T talks to leading UK new music ensemble the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group

C:T talks to new music conductor Richard Bernas who works as music consultant to London's Tate Modern art gallery and has premiered countless works including the UK premiere of Mark-Anthony Turnage's landmark opera 'Greek'.

C:T talks to Robert Paterson, composer and Artistic Director of American Modern Ensemble

We're looking for composers to write short extracts for clarinet (Bb/Eb/Bass/Contrabass) in our unique online workshop. Selected works will be performed by Stuart King, artistic director of acclaimed ensemble Chroma. More info here.

C:T talks to leading contemporary music violinist Darragh Morgan

In a new article, posted in the CT forum , The pianist and composer, Stephen Beville, reflects on what he sees as the wilful indifference to Luigi Nono's music in the UK.

C:T talks to Colin Matthews, 60 this year and unquestionably one of the leading composers of his generation. He is also a tireless promoter of new music, both through the record label NMC which he founded, as administrator of the Holst Foundation, Chairman of the Britten Estate, and trustee of the Britten-Pears Foundation

We've introduced a new reviews section to the site, where members can post reviews of live concerts they've attended.

To post a review simply hit the Post New Review button at the top of the page, select the date of your concert and hit Go. If the concert is already listed in our concert listings database it will come up and you can simply click on it to start reviewing it. Otherwise follow the instructions on screen to add the concert details.

You can also go in via the concert listings pages by clicking 'review this concert' next to the appropriate listing.

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Mark Grey Interview
C:T talks to U.S. composer Mark Grey.
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