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 Sunday, March 23, 2014 at 21:00 = 23:00 
hearSpace - Live Radio Art
Nova, RTE Lyric fm, Ireland
Nova, RTE Lyric fm, Ireland

Tickets: FREE
hearSpace (2014)

hearSpace is a new interactive piece of radio art composed for and through Irish radio by Karen Power. On March 23rd at 9pm, RTÉ lyric fm will act as a live conduit, through which Karen Power will compose and perform a new composition for radio based on the idea of exploring the sounds of a particular time, place and memory. These voices or sounds of Ireland, which will be combined with Karen’s own sounds recorded throughout the world; from The Arctic to Laos, will bring listeners on real and imagined sonic journeys from their past and into their future. This work will also feature archival materials from other European Radio stations who have been invited to submit their sonic snapshots.

Radio exists without visual cues, allowing listeners to form their own unique relationships with sounds from the privacy of their kitchen, bedroom, cow shed or shower! RTÉ lyric fm and Karen Power invite you to share your listening experiences with us and become a live part of our premier performance of hearSpace.

When radio is being received in a space it simply enters and shares space with everything else around it. (Unlike a piece of concert music, which expects silence and your full attention.) The result is that radio sounds move frequently and freely between the background and foreground of a space. Karen wants listeners to consciously consider this fact and to share your chosen radio listening space with us, which in turn may be added to the composition during this unique live broadcast.

hearSpace (2014)

Part of this work will feature recording submitted by the public in response to a call out in Feb. 2014

Update from Karen Power on the response to this call: Since issuing the public call I have been receiving the most wonderful audio snapshots from near and far. The variety of sounds in these recordings is truly stunning and shows just how carefully people are listening and enjoying their aural surroundings. Some examples of what is coming in are: Dublin street sounds at dusk, birds up a chimney in Tuam, an intimate quiet moment in someones kitchen, a recording made backstage at a Michigan concert in the US, numerous rivers around Ireland and 'empty spaces'. These sounds play an important role in my composition process as each recording informs how I think about sound space and our interaction with it. Thank you everybody for your beautiful contributions. I would love to keep this call open, but for hearSpace submission will close on the morning of the broadcast, March 23rd @ 10am local time. If you haven't yet submitted and are planning to then please ensure that you upload by this date.

RTE archives have been extremely fruitful and I have unearthed some voices of Ireland's past that offer insights into our lives, our place and notable times. I do hope that you will tune in on March 23rd @ 9pm to hear radio speak!

To listen:
In Ireland simply tune into RTE Lyric fm @ 9pm
Outside of Ireland go to: and click on the listen live button. You will have to download RTE Player if you have not done so before. You can also catch the program after Sunday night using this stream.

hearSpace is supported by The Arts Council of Ireland and RTÉ lyric fm

Thank you and I hope that you'll join myself and Bernard Clarke on Sunday. More information can be found either on my website: or on RTE Lyric fm, Nova website.

Kind Regards,

Karen Power

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